Morpho-climatic controls (Task 2.1)

Hydropower will continue to be the leading technology for electricity production in Switzerland. Climate change will however impact the supply of water and sediments to hydropower plants. The uncertainty regarding these effects shall be significantly reduced by a mix of experiments and numerical simulation, with the aim to provide a more secure basis to hydropower industry to decide on long-term investments.

Current Projects

The project OPT-HE has the objective to increase the production of large hydropower plants by hydrological high performance forecasts which allow optimizing the management of the dams and reducing water loss by spillage inside of a complex catchment.

Project Leader at SED
Research Partners

Laboratory of Hydraulic Constructions (LCH) at EPFL, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich (ETHZ),, Alpiq, Groupe-e, MeteoSwiss, Romande Energie, Société Electrique des Forces de l’Aubonne (SEFA), SIG

Funding Source

Commission for Technology and Innovation (CTI)


May 2014 to August 2017


Research Field

Link To Project Website

Thesis Paper

The project assesses how decadal predictions can be used for middle-term forecasts in the hydro-glaciological context. The aim is to support achieving the goals defined in the Swiss Energy Strategy 2050.

Project Leader at SED
Research Partners

Swiss National Institute of Forest, Snow and Landscape Research (WSL)

Funding Source

Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF), National Research Programme NRP 70


November 2014 to October 2017


Research Field

Link To Project Website


The project HEPS4Power explores the use of extended-range hydrological ensemble predictions systems (HEPS) for improving the operations and revenues of hydropower systems. Monthly to seasonal forecasts will be tested and novel post-processing and verification methods will be developed.

Project Leader at SED
Research Partners

Swiss National Institute of Forest, Snow and Landscape Research (WSL), Federal Office of Meteorology and Climatology (MeteoSwiss)

Funding Source

Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF), National Research Programme NRP 70


November 2014 to October 2017


Research Field

Link To Project Website


Past Projects

The main objective of this project is to generate very high-resolution climate scenarios for hydropower projection for the mid and end of the 21th century using state of the art global and regional climate models and greenhouse gas scenario ensemble. For that purpose a new stochastic weather generator is being developed with the aim of formulating a high spatial and temporal resolution (e.g. 1 km x 1 km and 5 min) for simulating key climate variables (e.g. precipitation, temperature, cloud cover, etc.) at local scale and over a raster. This will allow better exploring the uncertainties in the projected climate scenarios at basin scale, which result from emission scenarios, natural-stochastic climate variability, and global circulations models.

Project Leader at SED
Research Partners

Center for Climate Systems Modeling (C2SM) at ETH Zurich, Chair of Hydrology and Water Resources Management (HWRM) at ETH Zurich

Funding Source

Swiss Competence Center on Supply of Electricity (SCCER-SoE)


August 2014 to December 2016


Research Field

Previous studies on the impact of climate change on water resources provided clear perspectives for annual and spring/summer water availability for hydropower. However, for the water inflow to hydropower plants during the critical winter period, an in-depth analysis is still missing. This project makes use of the available model simulations, as well as of most recent climate change scenarios to highlight the perspectives for water flow to hydropower plants in late autumn and winter throughout the 21st century.

Project Leader at SED
Research Partners

Swiss National Institute of Forest, Snow and Landscape Research (WSL)

Funding Source

Swiss Competence Center on Supply of Electricity (SCCER-SoE)


January 2014 to December 2016


Research Field

Until recently, direct measurements of ice thickness were limited to a few selected glaciers. Supported by the Swiss Geophysical Commission (SGPK) and Swiss Competence Center on Supply of Electricity (SCCER-SoE) an initiative to improve the knowledge of ice volume distribution in the Swiss Alps was started. An important step towards this goal includes the delineation of the glacier bedrock topography using a new approach of ice flux computation. Additional measurements on not yet surveyed glaciers are needed and previous surveys will be completed.

Project Leader at SED
Research Partners

Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich (ETHZ)

Funding Source

Swiss Geophysical Commission (SGPK), Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich (ETHZ)


January 2014 to December 2015


Research Field